
let Your export plan be your guide

An export plan helps you understand the facts, constraints, and goals around your international effort. Use it to create specific objectives, decide on implementation schedules, and mark milestones of your success. It can also motivate your team to reach goals.

Written plans give a clear understanding of specific steps to take to assure a commitment to exporting. Without a plan, your business may overlook better long-term growth opportunities outside of the domestic market. Remember that while 59 percent of all exporters export to only a single market, many small exporters sell to more countries than they have employees, and these sales account for a growing percentage of total sales. These mini-multinationals are becoming more common, and your company can be one of them. 

Work with the experts

Working with Export in Motion means working with the experts. We can develop a feasible plan to kickstart your export business. Want to know more? Meet the experts and make an appointment.

